Creme Dilution=Cr

This gene can get the most confusing, buckle up!

​From the beginning shown:

Roan Dilution on any base=Rn

On any roan pattern horse, you can see roaning over the entire body except the face, main/tail and legs usually. It should be fairly prominent as a few white hairs over the rump wouldn't constitute a roan, but many hairs (over 50%) Would constitute a roan. A roan can be any base color or include any modifier. A common misconception is that you can get a roan from a grey, this is 100% a different gene and not true. 

Champagne dilutions= Ch

Gold Champagne (Sorrel+Ch), Amber Champagne (bay+Ch), Classic champagne (Black+Ch) with or without silver can look really similar. This dilution is present immediately at birth. It often appears dark (usually) then lightens after the foal coat is shed. They have mottled skin around their eyes and muzzle with lovely greenish/amber eyes! This color can combine with other dilutions to amplify this color or create different variations of this color. Double dilutes (Ch+Ch) do not have a multiplier effect, they would appear as a single champagne would. However the unique thing about Ch is that there is a multiplier effect when combined with creme! They appear like a double creme would (see double creme below) This color is then called an Ivory Champagne.

This mare is a confirmed ZZ

SINGLE Creme genes are expressed on a Sorrel> Palomino, Bay turning them to Buckskin, and a black> a very subtle smokey black (only changing the tint of the coat and lightens eye color slightly). When a horse has two copies (double) of Cream they become almost white (no matter what the base color is) A double creme Palomino>Cremello, Buckskin>Perlino, Black>Smokey Creme. Double cremes always have bluish or very light eyes and all pink skin where as ZZ single creme horses do not have pink skin or blue eyes.

Black & Silver dapple + creme gene- Black lightens/chocolate lightens

Rocky Coat Colors

They come in all shades and solid variations 

A Smokey black with a silver gene becomes a Smokey Silver Dapple

Grey= G

If you see a grey at birth you can usually determine if it carries silver since they are born solid colored; However they can easily mask a silver gene when older and starting to grey. Young foals can easily trick you on their genes as they can be "hyperchromatic" meaning they can over accentuate their base color when born or when young - you never know what color they are through the seasons!

Sorrel= ee

Can mask a silver gene! ee or sorrel is only a result by the lack of a black gene; without sorrel we cant have a Palomino! All the horses below are sorrel and vary in homozygosity of the silver gene, or ZZ

Below are all Silver Bay or Red chocolates!

Black= Ee or EE

Black does not show any modifiers, a foal is typically lighter mousey grey hues seen at birth then darkens around the muzzle- first seen at 2-3 months. Adults can/will appear slightly sunbleached in areas around their flanks but this usually is late summer and that dark rich black color returns in the winter months.

(e signifies a red gene is carried) 

Dun Dilution=D 

Grulla, dun, red dun or dunlino

This gene adds stripes to the upper forearm and dorsal, other markings like shoulder bars could be dramatic or negligible.

Always dilutes base color in some way.

This gene could combine with any base color or other modifier creating slightly different variations. 

Chocolate or Silver Black= ZZ or nZ gene

Many shades of mousey or rich coffee brown with varying flaxen.

This is commonly combined with other colors within the rocky mountain horse breed

Click below on each photo to see genotypes: ZZ is double silver gene or homozygous; Z or nZ is heterozygous for this color gene. 

All the photos in this section are just chocolate/silver black and no other modifiers on a black base color horse.

Bay = A (agouti) & Silver Bay /Red chocolate 

This is genetically a Bay horse with the chocolate gene. Contrary to popular belief, they do not always carry a red gene just because they have a red body. They are black based colors. 

​Below are all bays without the Z gene!